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Lyrics © by LiLA (Sylvia A. Fruhmann) 2014  
Serpentine Lines - Tiovivos del viento
The wind spins the leaves in circles
Like horses in a carousel,
A dance that keeps on whirling
Along unforeseen ways.
They're following an unseen hand
Left, right, in serpentines,
Down, up, it seems, nobody knows,
Where they come from.
The wind spins the leaves in spirals.
My horse untied from stakes and stage.
My dance with You keeps twining
Aloof the foreseen ways.
Playful chasing, hastening,
Lead by an unseen hand,
Left, right, in serpentines
Drawing my line.
The wind, the all-time dancer,
May show some secrets of its flow,
Like fish how to use the currents,
The maelstrom's undertow,
Following an unseen pull,
Swiftly, melting with the fluid,
Left, right, against the tide,
Drawing my line.
Las hojas del otoño
Danzan - siempre en redondo.
Mi caballito del tiovivo
Se soltò del tablado.
Playful chasing, hastening,
Lead by an unseen hand,
Left, right, in serpentines
Drawing my line.
Left, right, against the tide
Drawing my line.  
Left, right, in serpentines
Drawing my line.
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