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Lyrics © by LiLA (Sylvia A. Fruhmann) 2013 


I love to take a walk at night,
When everything is dark and quiet.
I love my cosy room with all my things.
I love to play some music and sing,
To dance spreading my arms like they're wings,
To meet my friends for sharing some sympathy.
But I love the most
The feeling You've revealed to me;
In good times, in bad times, it's the same.
Even when I ride the peak or if I fall apart,
This is my frame,
It's my center
Just within myself,
Right inside my heart;
I am complete,
I am safe.
I am in good hands,
Collected, in strength,
Sustained by the pillar of breath.
I love Your gentle voice at night.
It makes me feel so real and quiet.
I love that space that doesn't need a thing.
I love to hear Your music and sing,
To dance, spreading my arms like they're wings,
Refilled, regained by life's magic harmonies.
Cause I love the most
To be and to feel what I am;
In good times, in bad times, it's my frame.
Even if I ride the peak or when I fall apart,
This is my base,
Keeps me centered.
Just within myself,
Right inside my heart,
I am complete,
I'm in strength.
I am in good hands,
Collected and safe,
Sustained by the pillar of breath.
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